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It's our pleasure to affiliate with Perfume Emporium bringing you this discounted Royall Lyme, to buy online. Order now.
Perfume Emporium is synonymous with quality and excellent customer service.
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Your Price: US$41.99
It Was $56.00. You Save 25%
Royall Fragrances,
Product SKU: pemp6865
Store: Perfume Emporium
FREE Shipping using coupon code FS2000 Men's 8.0 oz All Purpose Lotion Splash. A delightful essence from the oil of the plumpest freshest native West Indian royal limes. Mixed with the very finest distilled alcohol and formulated to a well-guarded secret recipe with other rare and essential oils from all over the world to accentuate its zestful yet unobtrusive lime scent. This can be used as both after shave and body cologne.
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Royall Lyme is a great gift for you, your friends, your parents and your loved one during Thanksgiving, Fathter's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, New Year, Easter, Chrismast, Halloween, Secretary's Day. It can also be a special present or gift for someone during birthday, aniversery, graduation, and other festivals or special occasions. offers you this great product at best price online. Don't wait! Click here to buy it now!!